25 fishermen including 3 trawlers detained in Kalapara

Published: ১৭/০৭/২১

Nizampur Coast Guard has arrested 25 fishermen including 3 fishing trawlers and 10 fishing nets for fishing in Kalapara of Patuakhali ignoring the ban. The nets and trawlers were seized in a raid at the mouth of Andharmanik river in the upazila on Friday morning.

The owner of the three trawlers was later fined Tk 75,000. The seized nets were burnt and the fishermen were released on bond to prevent fishing during the ban. Kalapara Senior Upazila Fisheries Officer Apu Saha, Nizampu Coast Guard Petty Officer Hari Prasad Singh and Upazila Fisheries Assistant Officer Mahasin along with Coast Guard members were present.

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